Rim of Marvin crater. Image credit: NASA/ Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/Arizona State University
The rim of Marvin crater, 2.9 miles (4.6-kilometers) in diameter arcs across the image from left to right.
This just-released image comes via the Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter’s (KPLO) ShadowCam.
ShadowCam is a NASA-funded instrument hosted onboard the KPLO, provided by Arizona State University.
By collecting high-resolution images of the Moon’s permanently shadowed regions (PSRs), ShadowCam will provide critical information about the distribution and accessibility of water ice and other volatiles at the scales required to mitigate risks and maximize the results of future exploration activities.

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter, KPLO, is set for a one-year agenda of research.
Credit: Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)
Steep interior
The steep interior wall below the rim slopes down toward the bottom of the image.
The crater interior is in permanent shadow; the exterior was in shadow when this image sequence was acquired on February 28th. However, this area is not permanently shadowed.
The image width is 2200 meters, and the south pole is about 16 miles (26 kilometers0 to the right, a mosaic made from ShadowCam images.